Resources for Internationalizing Your Institution
CCID's e-Learning series offers free monthly webinars and member discounted professional development workshops on relevant topics designed to help members engage with the network and learn about new opportunities to internationalize your institution. For access to CCID's past recorded webinars, please use your member login. For information about upcoming workshops, please visit our webinars and workshops page.
Below are just a few of the resources available with membership:
- CCID’s Framework for Comprehensive Internationalization (FCI)- The FCI tool helps schools establish an institutional profile by providing descriptions of institutional stages of development in broad categories and more specific subcategories. When an institution is finished using the tool it will have a simple profile establishing strengths and opportunities which can be used to easily establish institutional goals.
- CCID Webinar on International Business Institutes- Learn about how to internationalize your business curriculum using resources from Michigan State’s Broad School of Business. Our member webinar with the Broad School of Business will provide information on hosting an International Business Institute at your campus. Access this webinar through your member login.
- CCID Webinar on Virtual Exchange Basics- Learn the basics on virtual exchange from CCID’s Outreach Partner Gazelle International. Virtual exchange can help you internationalize curriculum and teach global competencies across the disciplines. Our member webinar on virtual exchange basics can be accessed through your member login.
Check out these additional resources for internationalizing your institution:
- Culture Mapping- Based on Erin Meyer’s The Culture Map, this tool allows you to compare cultural dimensions in a variety of countries for presentations, student workshops, or leading cross-cultural working groups.
- Intercultural Ireland Content Library-The Intercultural Ireland Content Library was created by Irish teachers, to help you internationalize your lessons. Mini-classes made by us in multiple fields of study are available for you to drop into your classes. We have created video-class teaching, plus a syllabus, learning outcome, resources and quizzes for you to incorporate into your lesson.
- MIVILLE-GUZMAN UNIVERSALITY-DIVERSITY SCALE – SHORT FORM, (M-GUDS-S)- This is a tested 15-question student questionnaire measuring awareness and acceptance of diversity.
- Virtual Exchange Resources- A wealth of resources on virtual exchange can be found on the Stevens Initiative website.
- Virtual Exchange Guide for SIOs- A comprehensive guide for senior international officers from the Stevens Initiative.