CCID Events Calendar
Past Webinars- 2025
Past Webinars- 2024

The FAIT Fellowship, a two-year program funded by the U.S. Department of State, offers both undergraduate and graduate fellowships, and is a path to a career in the Foreign Service as an Information Management Specialist for students in IT-related degree programs.

Discover an incredible opportunity for your community college students or alumni who are interested in up to $87,000 in academic funding over two years to complete an IT-related bachelor’s degree.
CCID sponsors this one-hour webinar featuring speakers from the U.S. Department of State and the Foreign Affairs Information Technology (FAIT) Fellowship program. Designed to provide helpful information for faculty and advisors at community colleges, this webinar focused on the eligibility requirements and timeline for the undergraduate fellowship program Students are encouraged to attend!
Climate Change: An Overview
Join us for Part I of our “Earth Day” Series on Sustainability! For Part I, learn about the definition and effects of climate change. Receive detailed visuals, statistics and strategies pertaining to one of the most critical issues of our time.
The presentation will be made by Dr. Karen McBride, Executive Director of CCID, and the content provided by The Climate Reality Project, of which Dr. McBride is a Corps member.

Sustainability in Education Abroad: Data and Pathways
Join us for Part II of our “Earth Day” Series on Sustainability! For Part II, discover current trends, actions and viewpoints with regards to making education abroad a more environmentally and socially sustainable endeavor using data accumulated in a landmark survey created in 2021 and 2023. Learn about the implications of this data as you start, or accelerate, your sustainability efforts pertaining to programs and operations.

CCID’s International Student Scholarship
CCID’s International Student Scholarship Program, sponsored by LanguageCert, was created for incoming international students attending a CCID member institution. They have the opportunity to apply for a $2,500 USD scholarship that will go towards their tuition.

Critical Issues in International Higher Education in Latin America
CCID and The Mexican Association for International Education (AMPEI) discuss Critical Issues in International Higher Education in Latin America.

International Student Recruitment in Latin America
CCID and EducationUSA discuss trends in student recruitment in Latin America, which countries to target and how to best promote your institution.
Peace Corps Panel Discussion: Community College Students Volunteers are going the distance to make a difference
Serving in the Peace Corps is a great way to immerse yourself in a new culture, learn a new language, and make a lasting impact. Join us at this information session to learn about Volunteers who attended community college before service, ask questions about service, and gain tips to guide you through the application process.

What is ERASMUS+ Funding? Opportunities for Community Colleges
Join us for "What is ERASMUS+ Funding? Opportunities for Community Colleges" on May 7th, and learn what the program is, how it strengthens educational engagement with European institutions and examples of how it contributes to curriculum development, student mobility, virtual exchange, and faculty exchange. Our panel will have representatives from ERASMUS+ as well as from our Member College in Denmark, Green Academy Aarhus.
Supercharging Global Engagement for Domestic Students, International Students, Faculty, and Staff
Discover more about Campus Community's Global Campus Software Suite built for CCID member institutions to increase global engagement institution wide. The session will cover: International Enrollment Management, ISSS Community Engagement, Education Abroad Management, Online Global Education, and Campus Internationalization Strategies. We'll hear from CCID members how they're optimizing technology to achieve their goals and increase global engagement at their institutions.
How to Develop High-Impact Virtual International Internships
Join us to learn about the growing landscape of student internships abroad and how to develop high-impact virtual international internships. Discover how education meets employability to strengthen workforce development for your students.
Advancing International Student Recruitment and Enrollment in the United States
Join us on June 18th to learn about contemporary issues and techniques to promote U.S. higher education to students abroad. Learn about current standards pertaining to international student recruitment, developed by AIRC in 2022, and how to adapt these standards to advance your institutional goals and best serve your international students.

Internationalizing CTE: Teaching Technical Skills with Global Application
This session will define global competence, how to create an institutional commitment to global technical programs and share strategies and resources for integrating content into syllabi for technical program faculty. Free professional development modules and tools will be shared in addition to examples of successful global technical course syllabi that demonstrate how to internationalize learning.
From Community Colleges to a Bachelor's Degree: Perspectives from the U.S., the U.K. and New Zealand
Join us to learn how universities from three different world regions (United States, United Kingdom and New Zealand) recruit community college students and build relationships, including articulation agreements and study abroad opportunities, with community college partners.
Market Insights on International Student Recruitment for Community Colleges
Join us for a session that will explore responses from a recent Community College snapshot survey by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), a leader in international student mobility market insights. Learn and discuss strategies for maximizing student recruitment to U.S.-based community colleges.